Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Girl Scout Camp

Syrsha and Sierra playing a game.
The cute basket I made!

Syrsha and her mom
So we were going to take a hike that was going to be about an hour long and it ended up three! And we ate about 400 little tootsie rolls! It took us so long because they don't take the hike during the winter and so some of the trails got blocked because they hadn't done the hike in a while! And then our guide kind of got us lost! Plus it was probably 100 degrees! But the good part is that we got like five badges for it! And one of our leaders didn't go because it was too hot for her and no one was telling her anything!

After the hike!!!
The group
Sierra while taking a break
a little pond
poison ivy

a picture from our hike

A green house that we saw on our hike

Right before our hike.

Just a couple of girls in our troop walking.

And the finished product! Shark Bait Ooh HAHA was our troop name!
Coloring our sign
The sixth graders

Our tower

Syrsha and Kinley

Me and Emma



Kristy or Josh said...

Well I don't like camping that is why I never liked girls camp and stuff like that but it looks like you had fun with your girl scouts. Also good song on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sammy! that reminds me i wanted to go camping.but seeing that hike i might want to rethink that!