Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Our New Backyard

Me and my friend had fun using our new backyard for a natural setting. Welcome to us...
...we glow...

...can hold on to nets like superman... in bubbles and can float...

...and almost wet our pants from laughing.

The Original.



The original.

Cartoon Madison.

This is cartoon Aisling. By the way that little pink blob in the back is Madison's skirt.

 If you want to see pictures of our backyard check out my mom's blog click on the link above.


Jenny said...

What do you mean "almost wet your pants?" I used to "almost wet my pants" when I laughed at a funny bit in a movie. Then I had to go change my drawers or pretend my hands were cold and had to remain over the "almost wet spot on my pants" until I could change them.

Anonymous said...

Sam why did you put that picture?!?!? I though i deleted that when you werent looking. That was NOT what i was doing! THe only reason my hands were there is i stopped myself from falling over! Grrrr